ANDREA CODERCH VALOR Spanish company authorized to market accessories, with registered office at C / San Joan 43, 03801 Alcoy (Alicante), identified with NIF 21687223V, informs all buyers of the following purchase conditions:
We do not want that the shipping cost will be an inconvenience to get our products, that is why we recommend you if you make an order from “far far away” country to our sale point, to speak with your friends, family… together make an order, that way will be cheaper.
National shipping will take 24-48 hours since the payment confirmation. International will take 7 days (except for customs delay). If you want to specify any detail about the delivery (wrapped for a present, something specific…) use comments box when you make the order, or via e-mail to (with the reference order).
We want to be sure the shipping will arrive in the shortest time, it will be necessary in the order your full name, contact telephone and address. If exceptionally the shipping delays, we will contact you via e-mail or telephone.
Coba Complementes is not responsible for the delivery delay, when it is due to external courses to our company.
When the delivery is done, the client should check if there is any incident or imperfection into the goods and/or packaging. If so to communicate to Coba Complements within 24 hours.
International shipping costs do not include the import costs, This fee tax depends on each country regimentation. Coba Complements cannot inform about the exact import of these taxes, it’s client’s responsibility to be informed himself/herself about them.
Coba Complements does not accept returns passed 7 natural days since the receipt day of the item . If the refund is done in to the stablish period, the client will pay the direct expenses. It does not count as devolution the send expenses for the initial shipping and the refund (it will be deducted from the refund import)
All refunds have to be authorized by Coba Complements. The client has to request the item refunded to Coba Complements through an e-mail, pointing out the reason of the refund. In 48 hours (maximum) we will answer to your request. Once the client has the authorization will send the product to the address that Coba Complements give to him/her. All the expenses will be payed by the customer.
Due to the big number of occasions where products are done under request, we cannot refund money. We offer to change it by other model or a voucher to be used in our on-line store
Coba Complements does not accept any refund if the packaging is not the original and without imperfections. The original packaging must be in perfect conditions, being completely forbidden to use any kind of tape or similar over it.
You can have your refound in the following cases:
1) If the product does not satisfy you. Always and when it has not suffered any manipulation and it is in perfect conditions. In that case you have to send it to: Coba Complements, Camí Les Llorenses 74, 03839, Muro de Alcoy (Spain) and Coba Complements will pay the costs of refund transport and new shipment.
2)Defective product from origin or does not correspond with the ordered. In that case you have to send it to: Coba Complements, Camí Les Llorenses 74, 03839, Muro de Alcoy (Spain) and Coba Complements will be payi the costs of refund transport and new shipment.
3) If it is a present it can be changed if the product had not suffered any change and it is in perfect conditions. Never will be return the money from the product but it can be changed for other item of the same value or higher (in the last case extra charge pay by the customer). The shipping cost will be paid by the person who wants to make the change.
All prices in our online shop could changed in the future.
All offers are valid until the end date or run out of product.
All prices are in Euros (€) including 21% of VAT.
Prices don’t include shipping costs.
In not European Union countries, Coba Complements does not take care of tax fee from the addressee country or extra charges due to custom or other legal situations.
At Coba Complements you can use two ways of paying: by bank transfer or via Paypal.
By bank transfer it must be done a transfer of the whole budget of the order.
Via Paypal (fast and safe link to pay your orders), it requires to have an account on the platform.
Coba Complements has special conditions for shops. If you are one and you are interested in our products do not hesitate and contact us through our e-mail or via “contact” point in the webpage. We will send you a pdf with our discounts and condicions for wholesale.
Costumer’s information is used with maximum confidentiality.
Obeying all the laws and conditions about privacy information, we guarantee the absolute confidentiality of the information provide to us, moreover is protected against no authorized access thanks to SSL (save server).
All information will be used only by Coba Complements and at any case will be transfer to any kind of purpose. We are anti spam, so we will just send you the information you want to have.
Coba Complements does not have any responsibility because of damage due to lack of availability or continuity of Coba Complements, just like a bad use of the webpage and its contents.
Prices, characteristics and dependability of the commercialized products by Coba Complements can be changed without previous notice.
Buying and selling contract done with Coba Complements are subject to Spanish legislation.
Coba Complements and the client/buyer at any kind of conflict it will be protect by the spanish law.